Subscription Offers & Management

Subscription Management API


  • Subscription Creation: This API manages the creation of subscriptions seamlessly.
  • Subscription Cancellation: Handles subscription cancellations.
  • Subscription Renewal: Handles subscription renewals.
  • Failed Payment Reporting: The renewal API accepts failed renewal in case of payment failure.

Retailer's Role

Checkout and Subscription Management
The checkout process and post-checkout subscription management are as follow:

  • During Checkout:
    • Retailers utilize their existing payment processor to charge the customer.
    • Payment details should be stored for future recurring charges, with a monthly payment schedule. Ideally, the retailer's payment processor will support recurring/subscription payments.
    • The subscription period dates are provided by Mulberry's Create and Renew APIs.
    • Retailers should initiate a subscription on Mulberry's end using the Create Subscription API. This will send a welcome email that will allow the subscriber to file claims, manage products in their plan, and speak with Customer Experience.
  • Handling Recurring Payments:
    • Retailers should notify Mulberry of successful payments using the Renew Subscription API.
    • In the event of payment failure, the retailer should send an alert email to the customer and notify Mulberry through the Renew Subscription API. Depending on the policy, the subscription might also be terminated.
    • Retailers should submit the renewal event to Mulberry within a period of 14 days before and after the current period end date.
  • Subscription Cancellations:
    • If customers want to cancel, Mulberry's customer experience team may be able to oversee the cancellation process, provided the retailer has exposed a cancellation API to Mulberry.
    • Retailers may cancel a subscription on Mulberry's side by using the Cancel Subscription API. This assumes that the retailer handles cancelling the plan within their own system.
    • All cancellations are final. Once cancelled, a subscription cannot be reactivated or renewed.

Subscription Offers on SDK Components

Displaying the Mulberry Unlimited Subscription offer in the modal works the same as the standard modal. The documentation for this integration can be found in Modal Offers. There are a few additional nuances that must be handled when an Unlimited Subscription has been added to cart. See full details on how to handle these scenarios here Integration Changes for Subscriptions.

  • How are offers suppressed when there is already a subscription in the cart?
  • How are indicators like "This product is covered by Mulberry Unlimited" displayed on PDP and cart pages?
  • How is removal and addition of a subscription handled in the cart?


The integration of Mulberry's subscription product necessitates proactive and collaborative efforts from both Mulberry and the retailer. Key focus areas include:

  • The APIs Mulberry provides, tailored specifically for subscriptions.
  • Understanding purchase flow nuances.
  • Implementing on-site integration changes.
  • Streamlining checkout procedures.
  • Ensuring post-checkout activities like recurring payments and notifications to Mulberry are smooth.

By addressing these points, both Mulberry and retailers ensure a seamless experience for the consumer.