Once offers are created, you can fetch the specific offer via the warranty_offer_id returned in the Creating Offers payload.

HTTP method: GET

Authentication: Public Bearer Token

Staging Endpoint: https://partner-staging.getmulberry.com/api/warranty-offers/{{warranty_offer_id}}

Production Endpoint: https://partner.getmulberry.com/api/warranty-offers/{{warranty_offer_id}}

import requests

warranty_offer_id = '1df1b252-3301-4192-bcde-1ab2f1f4fe43'

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {{insert_bearer}}"}
url = f"https://partner-staging.getmulberry.com/api/warranty-offers/{warranty_offer_id}"

response = requests.get(url,  headers=headers)
warranty_offers = response.json()
warranty_offer_idwarranty_offer_id of the warranty returned when creating the offer.Yesstring


Multiple Offers

You can fetch multiple offers in one request by passing a comma separated list of warranty_offer_id in the URL.

    "cost": "60.00",
    "coverage_details": [
        "long": [
          "Stains, rips & tears",
          "Burn & heat marks",
          "Seam separation",
          "Broken zippers & buttons",
          "Damage from liquid marks & rings",
          "Broken mirrors & glass",
          "Loss of mirror silvering",
          "Chipped, dented & scratched surfaces",
          "Bubbling, cracked & peeling finishes",
          "Product defects, once the manufacturer's warranty expires",
          "Online claims filing",
          "24/7 customer support"
        "short": [
          "Stains, rips & tears",
          "Burn & heat marks",
          "Seam separation",
          "Broken zippers & buttons",
          "Online claims filing",
          "24/7 customer support"
    "created_date": "2020-10-09 16:41:33.628619-04:00",
    "customer_cost": "60.00",
    "duration_months": "36",
    "mb_category": "furniture",
    "product": {
      "name": "Dining Room Table",
      "price": "1500.00"
    "service_type": "repair_replace",
    "recommended": true,
    "policy_terms_url: "https://mulberry-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/shield/Shield_Multi_Extended.pdf"
]You can fetch multiple offers in one request by passing a comma separated list of warranty_offer_id in the URL.