Retrieve the details of your orders. The endpoint accepts four optional query string parameters, as described below.

Retrieving Orders Endpoint

HTTP method: GET

Authentication: Private Bearer Token

Staging Endpoint:

Production Endpoint:

start_dateDate from which you would like to fetch ordersnodate
end_dateDate up to which you would like to fetch ordersnodate
order_idThe id that was returned to you in the /checkout responsenostring
external_idthe id you used to make the call to our /api/checkout endpointnostring

A sample response of the data you would receive is shown below, indicating a time series of orders including any claim information if applicable.

    "data": [
            "external_order_id": "1234567890",
            "id": "abcdefgh123456789",
            "order_source": "shopify",
            "warranties": [
                    "customer_cost": "60.00",
                    "id": "warranty-id-1",
                    "line_items": [
                            "id": "line-item-id-1",
                            "product": {
                                "external_product_id": "product-id-1",
                                "name": "The Sofa",
                                "price": "1099.00"
                    "retailer_cost": "50.00",
                    "start_date": "2020-11-30",
                    "status": "active",
                    "term_months": "60",
                    "warranty_hash": "warranty-hash-1",
                    "warranty_type": "furniture"
            "external_order_id": "0987654321",
            "id": "987654321hgfedcba",
            "order_source": "shopify",
            "warranties": [
                    "claims": [
                            "claim_date": "2021-01-15",
                            "history": [],
                            "id": "claim-id-1",
                            "status": "incomplete"
                            "claim_date": "2021-02-02",
                            "history": [],
                            "id": "claim-id-2",
                            "status": "incomplete"
                    "customer_cost": "25.00",
                    "id": "warranty-id-2",
                    "line_items": [
                            "id": "line-item-2",
                            "product": {
                                "external_product_id": "product-id-2",
                                "name": "The Speaker",
                                "price": "199.00"
                    "retailer_cost": "20.00",
                    "start_date": "2021-01-15",
                    "status": "active",
                    "term_months": "60",
                    "warranty_hash": "warranty-hash-2",
                    "warranty_type": "electronics"